Hi everyone! My name is Sharon. I am a wife, mom, and a cardiology nurse by trade. My husband, 2 daughters, dog, and I live in Nazareth, PA. It's a great place to live and raise a family! I started scrapbooking 7 years ago when my husband and I adopted our second daughter from China. I got interested in scrapbooking when I learned about "Lifebooks" and adoption, and haven't stopped since. My favorite subjects are my daughters, Katie and Anne. My oldest, "bio" daughter, Katie, recently turned 16, and got her drivers permit, but if you live in PA, don’t worry . . . she’s just driving in parking lots for now! Whew! My youngest daughter, Anne, is in first grade and is a real joy. And speaking of joy, my husband and I celebrated our 20th anniversary in March of this year. I can’t believe how fast time flies! I have never been on a design team, I don’t have my own blog, and I have never been published, so it was quite a surprise and an honor when Pam asked me to be a featured artist on her blog. Thank you so much, Pam!
Don't forget to check out her beautiful gallery here: Fritchey
Sharon has some great tips and ideas to share, so check back in a few minutes!

Sharon, I just love your work. I have browsed thru your gallery lots of times!!! Congrats!